Travel Guides
Mykonos Delos A Voyage to the Centre of the Cyclades - Travel Guide

[Code : 9607530055] Mykonos Delos A Voyage to the Centre of the Cyclades - Travel Guide

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Mykonos - Delos
A voyage to the centre of the Cyclades.

It is a printed accompanying edition for the complete presentation of the two islands through original texts, which were composed after thorough research. Rich photographic material embellishes the presentation. At the same time the book is a useful manual for the "Mykonos - Delos, a voyage at the centre of the Cyclades" DVD-ROM.

The book is a thorough presentation of the island with bilinqual parallel texts. It includes information on the history of the island, the archeological sites and findings, the environment, the economy, the churches, and monastries as well as numerous photographs.

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