The ever-hilarious Thanasis Veggos stars in this popular comedy by Errikou Thalassinou. Polydorus, the door-man of an apartment buliding complex, tries to hold his job while finding husbands for his 6 sisters. Polydorus finds himself running in all directions in search of promising bachelors. At the same time, our poor Polydorus must also find the time to get married himself to his beloved Hariklia. For Hariklia's 9 brothers are on their way from Crete to prevent the marriage.
Staring: Thanasis Veggos, Souli Sambah, Katerina Gioulaki, Nitsa Marouda, Lavrentis Dianellos, Takis Miliadis.
In Greek
No subtitles
87 minutes
ISBN: 5205139351305