- Hairetismos - O kokkinoskoufitsas - O dromos pros tin epitihia - Ena mouteri - O galatas - Vima proto - Je suis bossu - Vimatodotis (made in Japan) - B.B. - Eros keravnovolos - Vima deftero - Loula - Fapa - Tapi kai psihraimos - Vima trito - Pindarou leksis - Ligaris - A.K. - Psiri '92 - B. - Mia vradia sto Tzivlivaki (mia vradia sto Louki) - Vima tetarto - Ta hartia kai ta diplomata - Ex aghistias - Apotheosi - To megalo finale - Apohairetismos - Ex aghistias (Queagamota mix)
This CD has a satire with a laiko taste to it. Something new, something different!
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