When You Intermarry

[Code : 9781584380993] When You Intermarry

Price $16.95
When You Intermarry
A resource for Inter-Christian, Intercultural Couples, Parents and Families.

Topics covered in this book:
- General information about intermarriage
- Descriptions and observations from 376 intermarried spouses who participated in the IRP
- Useful information that will identify some of the unique challenges that intermarried couples face as spouses, couples, and parents
- Unseful information that intermarried couples and families may encounter in their efforts to worship in the Greek Orthodox Church
- Useful balancing strategies that have proven to facilitate marital satisfaction and family well being in the individual, marital, and family lives of 376 successful intermarried couples
- Pastoral directives to clarify the Greek Orthodox Church's rules as they apply to intermarried couples
- Premarital preparation materials written for couples intending to intermarry.

"In this book, Father Charles Joanides uses his gifts of love, spirituality and the ability to listen to describe honestly the lives of interfaith couples in all stages. As a Lutheran who married a Greek Orthodox, I appreciate his sensitivity to all viewpoints and his approach as a family and its spiritual journey. Thank you, Father, for helping us understand our lives with such compassion." Mary Rouvelas, Author, "A Guide to Greek Traditions and Customs in America"


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