Tin Koinin Anastasin (The Universal Resurrection) Allilouarion (Alleluia Verses) Idou O Nymfios (Behold the Bridgeroom) Ta Pathi Ta Septa (The Sublime Holy Passion) Odes (Odes) Ton Nymfona Sou Vlepo (I See Your Bridal Chamber) Ainoi (The Praises) I Porni En Klaythmo (The Harlot in Her Grief) Kanon (The Kanon) Ote Oi Endoxoi Mathitai (When Your Glorious Desciples) Exigorasas Imas (You Ransomed Us) Makarismoi (The Beatitudes) Diemerisanto Ta Imatia (They Divided My Garments) Ton Listin Aythimeron (The Thief on the Same Day) Ta Egkomia (The Lamentations) Eylogitaria (The Benedictions) Prokeimenon Tou Aposolou (Verses Before the Epistle) Ymnos Trion Paidon (The Hymn of the Three Youths) Anasta O Theos (Arise O God) Deyte La Vete Fos (Come Receive the Light) Tin Anast Asin Sou (YOur Resurrection) Hristos Anesti (Christ is Risen) Anast Aseos Imera (It is the Day of Resurrection) Pasha Ieron (A Sacred Pascha) Doxastikon Astikon Anastaseos (Laudatory Hymn for the Resurrection)
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