This entertaining Greek drama from director Odysseas Kosteletos deals with the divergent lives of two brothers, Aris and Kyriakos, both played by musical legend Tolis Voskopoulos. Aris is the rich one, who grows up to be a racecar driver, and Kyriakos grows up poor but becomes a popular folksinger. They have never met, but a beautiful woman named Nadia (Nora Valsami) will bring them together for a most unusual reunion. Starring: Tolis Voskopoulos, Nora Valsami, Anna Fonsou, and Lavrentis Dianellos.
Please Note: This DVD is in PAL format, encoded for use in ALL PAL zones (Zone-free). To view this DVD in the US or Canada you will need a multi-region DVD player or a computer with DVD player. is currently offering a multi-region DVD player at the amazing price of 69.95! This DVD player will not only play all zones and DVDs from anywhere in the world, but it also has several other great features which make it a great upgrade of your current DVD player.
Language: Greek
Features: No Subtitles or Special Features
Black and white
124 minutes